SEAMEO BIOTROP Identify Potential Implementation of MBKM Program in Indonesia Friday, 11 March 2022 on 1:50pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP Identify Potential Implementation of MBKM Program in Indonesia

SEAMEO BIOTROP carries out a Workshop and Focused Group Discussion on "Potential for Implementation of the MBKM Program for Higher Education in Indonesia". This activity is a form of SEAMEO BIOTROP support for the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program launched by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT) of the Republic of Indonesia. 

The expected output of this activity is to identify potential cooperation in implementing the MBKM program that focuses on internships/work practices in the industry, certified internships, project-based learning, and entrepreneurship.

This activity was held on 9 March 2022 and divided into two sessions. The workshop session was facilitated by two speakers, namely Nurhadi Ibath, Deputy Chair II of the Kampus Merdeka Management Office (PMO) Program, and Beni Bandanajaya as Academic Director of Vocational Higher Education. 

The second session is a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) session which is divided into two groups. This FGD was expected to identify problems, solutions, and expectations of higher education institutions in the implementation of MBKM program. 

Learning Coordinator, Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research, and Technology (Ditjen Diktiristek) Dewi Wulandari officially opened this event. "I hope more universities will be aware and participate in the MBKM program,". Also present, Henri Togar Hasiholan Tambunan as Director of Institutional and Vocational Higher Education Resources. 

Director of SEAMEO BITOROP, Zulhamsyah Imran, hopes that the participants attending today can implement good cooperation with universities, industry, and the government to jointly implement the MBKM program. 

“The MBKM program is important because it can encourage students to master various sciences that are useful for entering the world of work. This program is expected to be able to answer the challenge where universities can design and implement innovative learning processes so that students can achieve learning outcomes that include aspects of attitudes, knowledge, and skills optimally and always relevant".
The implementation of this activity is also to support the fourth SDG's goal, namely to improve quality education. This activity was attended by 80 participants who are lecturers from universities and vocational colleges throughout Indonesia. (day SEAMEO BIOTROP/Denty A.)

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