Regional Workshop on the Inclusion of Biodiversity in the Environmental Education Curriculum Friday, 05 August 2022 on 10:39am

Regional Workshop on the Inclusion of Biodiversity in the Environmental Education Curriculum

“Save Biodiversity for Future Generations” is one of the priority programs of SEAMEO BIOTROP which emphasizes the need to carry out the transfer of knowledge on biodiversity conservation as early as high school or vocational high schools students in Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Knowledge transfer is one of the primary roles of a teacher as an educator.

In line with this, SEAMEO BIOTROP conducted a regional workshop on the Inclusion of Biodiversity in the Environmental Education Curriculum on 1 - 3 August 2022. This workshop aimed to evaluate the competence of school teachers, academics, researchers, industries or private companies’ personnel and government officers that have the responsibility to save biodiversity and monitor food security and food safety. 

In his opening remarks, Dr Zulhamsyah Imran, the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, said that the topics in this workshop were up to date and directly learned from resource persons and experts on biodiversity and food security. “This workshop is necessary to share knowledge among experts and practitioners and to develop a network among schools having the same interests and concerns to advance education in terms of curriculum strengthening”, Dr Zulhamsyah emphasized.

The workshop featured the following materials and resource persons: 1) Soil and plant nutrition in relation to food security by Prof Keitaro Tawaraya (Yamagata University); 2) Diversity of food and food substitutes by Prof Edi Santosa, SP, MSi (IPB University); 3) Survey and interview data processing techniques by La Ode Abdul Rahma, MSi (IPB University); 4) The household survey on food security in Los Baños Laguna by Dr Pedcris Orencio (UP Open University); 5) Aspergillus flavus contamination and aflatoxin in foodstuffs in Indonesia by Santi Ambarwati, MSi (SEAMEO BIOTROP); 6) Questionnaire design and quantitative sampling techniques by Dr Ir Yeti Lis Purnamadewi, MscAgr (IPB University); 7) Sampling techniques by Dr Dwi Nastiti Iswarawanti (SEAMEO REFCON); 8) Education curriculum for biodiversity and environment materials for high schools and vocational schools by Syifa Thursina, SPd, MM (SMKN 1 Rongga); 9) Introduction, sampling, data collection and uses of flora biodiversity by Mr Edi Permana (Forest Biologist); 10) Introduction, sampling, data collection and uses of fauna biodiversity by Ir Tri Heru Widarto, MSc (IPB University); 11) Introduction, sampling, data collection and damage caused by fungi by Nijma Nurfadila, MSi (SEAMEO BIOTROP); and 12) Introduction, sampling, data collection and uses of soil beneficial microorganisms (bacteria, mycorrhiza) by Risa Rosita, MSi (SEAMEO BIOTROP).

This event was conducted in a hybrid platform and was actively participated by 102 participants consisting of national and regional high school/vocational teachers (Cambodia, Malaysia and Philippines), academics, researchers, practitioners and communities concerned with food security and biodiversity. (asa, sis).

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