Minister of Research and Technology/BRIN of the Republic of Indonesia Praises SEAMEO BIOTROP in Creating Value-Added Agricultural Products Tuesday, 04 February 2020 on 12:24pm

Minister of Research and Technology/BRIN of the Republic of Indonesia Praises SEAMEO BIOTROP in Creating Value-Added Agricultural Products

"In the next 3-5 years, research in Indonesia should focus on three aspects i.e. 1) appropriate technology; 2) value-added products; and 3) improvement of local content or import substitution", said Prof Bambang P. S. Brodjonegoro, Ph.D., in his directional speech during his visit to SEAMEO BIOTROP on 23 January 2020.

During the meeting session, Dr Irdika Mansur, Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, briefly introduced the profile and achievements of SEAMEO BIOTROP, in particular on research activities. In response to Dr Irdika’s presentation, Prof Bambang admitted that his visit is an eye-opener into the excellent continuing research activities that have been conducted by researchers of SEAMEO BIOTROP. He appreciated the facts that research carried out in SEAMEO BIOTROP ranges from basic research to applied research, both of which are equally important and support one another. He mentioned that basic research provides results that function as bases for applied research, while any challenges found in applied research are worth as substances for basic research.

In the aspect of environment, Prof Bambang recognized the urgency of ex-mining land restoration, in order to re-establish productive agricultural land. Therefore, he would support the restoration efforts, especially by providing a more lenient regulations to smooth up the research on ex-mining land restoration and the implementation of the research results.

In regards to agricultural products, he urged the researchers to conduct research on genetics and food technology, in the sense of appropriate technology, to elevate the value added of agricultural products. He strongly suggested the researchers to maintain a close relationship with the agro-industrial world to get information on which agricultural products that are currently in demand globally. In the same spirit, he also urged the researchers to persistently share the applicable research results to the farmers, not only as science but also as promising income generating avenues for the farmers, so that the farmers are triggered to become corporate farmers.

Prof Bambang praised SEAMEO BIOTROP for actively disseminating and sharing agricultural research results to vocational schools and universities throughout Indonesia, while providing assistance in implementing the research results and developing the students' entrepreneurial skill in marketing the resulted agricultural products.

He further elaborated the essential reason for establishing BRIN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi National/National Research and Innovation Agency) which is to integrate all research and development institutions under one agency, so that all aspects of research and development are focused towards national research and development. He also emphasized the importance of linkaging research and education by involving vocational and university students in disseminating research results. To accommodate research in agriculture, BRIN will establish agriculture research cluster. BRIN takes the role as administrator and negotiator to smooth up any challenging regulations that are potential in becoming obstacles for conducting research and development in Indonesia. In taking this role, BRIN will need comprehensive inputs from the researchers.

After the meeting session, Prof Bambang visited mini exhibition of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s products and technology. (sis/rf)

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