SEAMEO BIOTROP Welcomes the Representatives from the Go Study Global Education Friday, 09 December 2022 on 3:19pm

SEAMEO BIOTROP Welcomes the Representatives from the Go Study Global Education

To improve its regional presence and impact through collaboration, SEAMEO BIOTROP welcomes the Go Study Global Education at its headquarter in Bogor on 9 December 2022. Ms. Qin  Ziyan, the Executive Director of International Affairs as the representative from Go Study Global Education,  presented several project showcases and proposed collaborative programs, such as exhibitions, the  Technical and Vocational Education and Training  (TVET), and capacity building activities through international conferences and workshops, webinars, and cultural communication and exchange.

Several collaboration possibilities were discussed during the meeting, namely: 1) Summer course programs and internship programs, where the foreign undergraduate students can come to SEAMEO BIOTROP to learn about the latest innovation and technology; 2) The 4th International Conference on Tropical Biology which will be held on November 2023; 3) Agro-Eco-Edu Tourism project that can support and promote biodiversity conservation which could be a collaborative project between schools in Indonesia and in China; and (4) The collaboration on SEA Tropical Biodiversity Database Network.  

Prof Edi Santosa, from the Faculty of Agriculture of IPB University, who also attended the meeting stated that IPB University is also interested in sending their students to participate in the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka program in SEAMEO BIOTROP. Furthermore, he mentioned the possibility of doing a collaboration to produce high-impact research for both institutions.

Go Study Global Education is a Chinese-based international education company focusing on institutional linkages for education and cultural exchange.  Go Study Global Education also works with global partners in providing different study opportunities, such as technical training, global attachments, internship opportunities, webinars and competitions, and other related programs. (hcn)

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