Internship Program


The Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (BIOTROP) is one of the 24 centres of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO). It was established in 1968 to promote tropical biology for development in the region through research, training, and information exchange.

Among BIOTROP’s capacity building goal is providing students’ internship for high schools’ and universities’ students. The students can either  (a) thesis students and (b) "on-the-job” or practicum students. In general, all of them shall be referred to as SEAMEO BIOTROP Student Interns.

Classification of SEAMEO BIOTROP Student Interns

SEAMEO BIOTROP Student Interns may fall into any of the following categories:

Thesis Students: those who need to complete a research thesis as a requirement for either an undergraduate or graduate (masteral or doctoral) degree. They may come to SEAMEO BIOTROP, with or without research funds, to avail themselves of technical guidance from in-house scientists and/or use of laboratory facilities. The period of their research work maybe from 1 to 12 months which can be extended as needed.

On-the-job/practicum students: usually undergraduate students who are required to acquire some course credits for graduation. These credits are earned either by completing certain numbers on-the-job exposures or specific outputs related to their field of specialization as required by their respective degree programs. The period for being on-the-job may run from 2 weeks up to a maximum of 2 months.

Application Process

Any student who is interested to become a SEAMEO BIOTROP Student Intern must:

  1. Be familiar with the General Terms and Conditions regarding the kind of internship he/she would like to have at SEAMEO BIOTROP.
  2. Fill up the appropriate application form below and submit to SEAMEO BIOTROP Human Resource Management Department via email
  3. Application Form for Thesis Students
  4. Application Form for On-the-Job/Practicum Students
  1. Secure endorsement letter from his/her adviser addressed to the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP.
  2. If accepted, the student must sign an agreement letter and submit original copies of all required documents to SEAMEO BIOTROP Human Resource Management Department at email address:


General Terms and Conditions

Application and Approval Process

  1. An applicant must fully accomplish the prescribed Application Form (i.e. for Thesis Students or On-the-Job/Practicum Students) and submit it through email to the Human Resource Management Department of SEAMEO BIOTROP together with the required attachments as follows:
  • A copy of research/activity proposal (for thesis students only) approved by the academic/office supervisors with research schedule.
  • A maximum of 3-page copy of curriculum vitae.
  • A 4 x 6 cm photo of the student’s.
  • A letter of endorsement/recommendation from academic adviser addressed to the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP.
  • SEAMEO BIOTROP will inform the applicant on the status of his/her application two (2) weeks after the receipt of all accomplished application form and attachments.
  • SEAMEO BIOTROP will send confirmation letter and the Internship Agreement Form to the applicant, if his/her application is accepted. The confirmation letter and Internship Agreement contain basic information on the terms of reference of the internship and other logistical arrangements in relation to the student’s travel and stay at SEAMEO BIOTROP.
  • Upon receiving confirmation letter and Internship Agreement Form from SEAMEO BIOTROP, the student shall submit the following documents to SEAMEO BIOTROP Human Resource Management Unit Head:
    • Copy of the Internship Agreement Form, duly signed by him/her and his/her academic supervisor
    • Copy of the original letter of recommendation from his/her academic supervisor.
    • Photocopy of his/her student ID
  • SEAMEO BIOTROP shall assign the appropriate scientist/unit head with whom the student will be working with as his/her mentor throughout his/her internship at the Centre.
  • On the other hand, if SEAMEO BIOTROP finds that the application is not within its program thrusts and mandate, the applicant will also be notified and may give referral to other relevant organizations where possible.
  • Support from SEAMEO BIOTROP

    Any Student Intern in SEAMEO BIOTROP  can be provided the following support from SEAMEO BIOTROP:

    1. Technical assistance from concerned scientists/unit heads
    2. Administrative support in terms of:
    • ccess to Centre library and other library resources
    • Use of office facilities and equipment (room, vehicle, computer and printer, photocopying machine) and services (email, website, fax) with appropriate charges where applicable

    Reporting and Expected Outputs

    Upon completion of internship, all Student Interns  of  SEAMEO BIOTROP are expected to:

    1. Submit a written report of his/her accomplishments while conducting internship with SEAMEO BIOTROP, including copies of all outputs produced;
    2. Present his/her research results (for Thesis Students only) to SEAMEO BIOTROP’s staff before returning home to his/her home or work station.

    Adherence to SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Policies

    All  Student Interns of SEAMEO BIOTROP are expected to follow all SEAMEO BIOTROP’s policies throughout their internship period.

    Changes to the Terms and Conditions

    Changes in the stipulations in the Internship Agreement can be made initiated by either the student, his/her academic adviser, or SEAMEO BIOTROP’s management anytime during the internship period if necessary. Changes shall be made in writing and concurred by all concerned. Revised copies of the agreement shall be distributed to the SEAMEO BIOTROP’s Student Intern, his/her academic adviser, and all relevant scientists/managers and administrative units.

    Termination of Internship

    SEAMEO BIOTROP has the right to terminate the internship agreement when there is evidence of unsatisfactory progress by the Student Intern of SEAMEO BIOTROP over a prolonged period. This could be done by the concerned scientist/unit head in writing addressed to the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP, stating justification of the termination. A copy of the letter shall also be sent to the Student Intern and his/her academic adviser. A written approval of the Director of SEAMEO BIOTROP is required before the termination could be enforced.


    SEAMEO BIOTROP could provide either a letter or certificate, upon request of the Student Intern, confirming his/her internship with the Centre. This letter or certificate shall be addressed to “Whom it May Concern” containing the objectives, dates, duration and key activities and achievements of the   Student Intern during his/her internship with the Centre.

    Internship Topics and Quota

      Section Available Topic Major/Department Laboratory Targeted Participant Maximum Number Occupied Vacant
      Environmental Policy and Governance (EPG) Section - Science Innovation and Technology Department (SITD) 1 Hidroponik Pertanian, Biologi rumah kaca hidroponik SMK, D3, S1 6
      2 Analisa kesuburan tanah analis kimia lab tanah dan tanaman D3/S1 3
      3 Kandungan mineral tanaman hidroponik analisis kimia lab tanah dan tanaman D3/S1 3
      Knowledge Products & Communication Unit (KPCU) 1 Multimedia, Bisnis Daring Pemasaran Multimedia KPCU SMK, D3 dan S1 2
      2 Teknik Informatika Teknik Informatika KPCU D3, D4, S1 3
      3 Broadcasting Broadcasting, KPCU SMK, D3 dan S1 1
      4 Komunikasi Komunikasi KPCU S1 2
      5 Desain Komunikasi Visual Desain Komunikasi Visual KPCU SMK, D3 dan S1 2
      Environmental and Finance Risk Management (EFRM) Section - Human Centre and Innovation Department - HCID 1 Kultur Jaringan Pohon Langka Biotechnology, Biology, Silvikultur, Konservasi Sumberdaya Hutan (peminatan Kultur Jaringan) Lab Kuljar SMK, Diploma, S1, S2 5
      2 Bioteknologi tumbuhan :
    DNA Barcoding dan Fingerprinting
    Biotechnology, Biology, kehutanan dan pertanian lab biotek dan lab kuljar S1, S2 3
      3 Akuatik:
    pembuatan pakan efisien, budidaya ikan hias dan akuaponik
    perikanan, Budidaya Perairan, Manajemen Sumberdaya Perairan lab akuatik SMK, Diploma, S1, S2 4
      Environmental Technology and Security (ETS) Section - Science Innovation and Technology Department (SITD) 1 Kultur Koleksi Fungi dan Mikoriza Biologi, Mikologi, Silvikultur, agroteknologi, pertanian lab BLM dan fitopatologi S1 3
      2 Pengembangan database koleksi fungi dan Mikoriza IT, multimedia lab BLM dan fitopatologi D3, S1 3
      3 Pengembangan Desain mini museum jamur dan atsiri Arsitektur Lansekap interior lab BLM, edible Mushroom House, lab Natpro S1 3
      4 Eksplorasi Tanaman Tinggi Nitrogen dan Mikroba potential (Mikroriza dan mikroba potential tanah) Pertanian, biologi, teknologi pertanian, mikrobiologi, peternakan, kimia, biokimia, agroteknologi, lab BLM S1 3
      5 Pengembangan kompos organik Pertanian, biologi, teknologi pertanian, mikrobiologi, peternakan, agroteknologi, kimia, biokimia lab BLM dan green house kompos S1 3
      6 Analisis data uji validitas dan realibilitas kajian BIODIVERSITY Inclusion (Regional) Sosial ekonomi, manajemen Lab BLM S1 3
      7 Budidaya jamur pangan Pertanian, biologi, teknologi pertanian, mikrobiologi, peternakan, agroteknologi, kimia, biokimia edible mushroom house SMK, D3, S1 3
      8 Essential Oil Production Agroteknologi, Pertanian, Kehutanan, Lingkungan, Biotechnology lab natpro SMK, D3, S1 3
      Earth Observatory Change (EOC) Section - Human Centre and Innovation Department - HCID 1 Pengembangan database Biodiversitas Biologi, Ilmu Komputer herbarium dan lab gulma S1 3
      2 Analisa risiko IAS Biologi, Kehutanan, Ilmu Lingkungan. herbarium dan lab gulma S1 3
      3 Resistensi gulma terhadap herbisida Biologi, Pertanian, Bioteknologi. herbarium dan lab gulma S1 3
      Science Innovation and Technology Department (SITD) 1 Aplikasi GIS dan RS untuk pewilayahan tanaman pangan Pertanian, Agroteknologi, Geomatika SMK, Diploma III / IV, S1, 4
      2 Aplikasi GIS dan RS untuk perhitungan daya dukung lahan Lingkungan, Agroteknologi, Geomatika, Pertanian SMK, Diploma III / IV, S1, 4
      FFMD, HRAD, PMEU 1 Administrasi layanan kantor Administrasi perkantoran, All department SMK 5
      2 Administrasi layanan kantor sekretaris, All department D3 2
      3 manajemen organisasi manajemen All department S1 1
      4 lanskap lanskap departemen fasilitas S1 1
      5 arsitek teknik sipil departemen fasilitas S1 1

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