SEAMEO BIOTROP's 4th ICTB Conference: A Commitment to Tackling Global Challenges and Climate Change Wednesday, 10 January 2024 on 9:34am

SEAMEO BIOTROP's 4th ICTB Conference: A Commitment to Tackling Global Challenges and Climate Change

The Southeast Asian Regional Centre for Tropical Biology (SEAMEO BIOTROP) successfully hosted the 4th International Conference on Tropical Biology (ICTB), held in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Marine Science (ICMS). Held on October 25-26, 2023, at the SEAMEO BIOTROP Campus in Bogor, Indonesia, the conference was organized in collaboration with IPB University​​​​.

Themed "ASEAN Education-23 for Global Connection: Enriching Biodiversity Inspiring People", the conference discusses four sub-themes, namely: Agro-Eco-Edu-Tourism, Biodiversity for Food Stock, Ecological and Climate Change, Bioengineering and Conservation, and Biodiversity Literacy and Education.

Prominent policymakers, scientists, and practitioners from international development and research centers, academia, and government agencies formed the panel of speakers. Notable among them were Dr. I Nyoman Radiarta, Ms. Dewi Darmayanti, Ir. Medrilzam M. Prof. Econ Ph.D., Endah Tri Kurniawati S. Hut. ME. MPA, Mr. Rajendra Aryal, Prof. Dr. Jiaguo Qi, Dr Siang Hee Tan, Dr Perdinan, and Prof Dr Antonius Suwanto​​.

A diverse group of participants also participated in the conference, including 20 oral presenters, three poster presenters, and 212 general participants. It brought together minds from six countries - Indonesia, the Philippines, Cambodia, China, Turkey, and Thailand​​.

"The 4th ICTB is a testament to our commitment and consistency in fulfilling our mandate to disseminate information in the field of tropical biology and provide inputs to policymakers to face global challenges and climate change," said Zulhamsyah, SEAMEO BIOTROP Director. He hoped the conference would lead to a consensus among participants on an advocacy agenda for enriching, conserving, and managing biodiversity. The goal is to identify new approaches and synchronize policies and practices for future research and development through initiatives like the Asian Biodiversity Network (ABN), Biodiversity Platform Agreements, and scientific publications.

Meanwhile, the Rector of IPB University, Arif Satria, noted the conference's role in highlighting critical issues concerning biodiversity at national, regional, and global levels. "This opportunity allows governments, academics, researchers, and practitioners to share information, learning, and experiences in managing tropical biodiversity ecosystems to address environmental problems," he remarked.

SEAMEO BIOTROP, as a Regional Centre for Tropical Biology, is dedicated to conserving biodiversity and has initiated several programs related to Biodiversity Conservation. These programs, developed to enhance biodiversity education, were embedded in the conference's sub-themes, demonstrating the Centre's holistic approach to biodiversity conservation and education​​.

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