Improving Reproduction Performnce, Egg and Larvae Quality by Combination of Dietary Spirulina Supplementation and Oodev to Catfish (Clarias Sp.) Broodstock
N. Armen, U. B. Priyo

Source: SEAMEO BIOTROP's Research Grant | 2014


The research was performed to accelerating the maturation and improve the quantity and quality of eggs and larvae viability of catfish (Clarias sp.) by combination of dietary Spirulina and Oocyte developer (Oodev) administration. The treatments were Feed A1: Spirulina 0% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed A2: Spirulina 0% combined with Oodev 15 IU; Feed B1: Spirulina 1% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed B2: Spirulina 1% combined with Oodev 15 IU; Feed C1: Spirulina 2% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed C2: Spirulina 2% combined with Oodev 15 IU;  Feed D1: Spirulina 3% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed D2: Spirulina 3% combined with Oodev 15 IU. Each treatment used 10 fish as replication. During the experiment (30 days), female catfish broodstock were fed treatment diet with feeding rate of 3% of the body weight twice daily at 8:00 am and 17:00 pm. The observed parameters were the profile of estradiol-17β, vitellogenin concentration, Gonado Somatic Index (GSI), fecundity and larvae viability. The results showed that the profile of estradiol-17β and vitelogenin in the treatment D2 indicated gonad maturity faster than with other treatments. Furthermore, the D2 fish treatment produced 81,953 ± 164  eggs, hatching rate of 90.70 ± 0.24 and 92.94 ± 0.06 survival rate of 4 days larvae old. This treatments higher than with other treatments. Thus, the combination of Spirulina 3% and 15 IU Oodev could accelerate oocyte growth and increase the viability of eggs and larvae.

Keywords: Catfish (Clarias sp.) broodstock, reproduction performance, Spirulina, Oodev.

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