SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report FY 2017 - 2018
KMD Department, 2018Description
I am pleased to present our Centre's accomplishments for Fiscal Year 2017/2018 in this annual report which marked the first-year implementation of SEAMEO BIOTROP’s 10th Five-Year Development Plan (FYDP 2017/2018-2021/2022) as well as the celebration of our 50 years of service through research, capacity building, and information exchange activities.
With the FYDP’s theme of “Forging Ahead with Tropical Biology for Environmental and Societal Transformations in Southeast Asia (Tropical BEST-SEA)”, SEAMEO BIOTROP continues to envision itself to be “A leading Centre in enriching and promoting the real values of tropical biology in Southeast Asia” through its three program thrusts, namely: Restoration of Degraded Ecosystem, Sustainable Management of Intensively Used Ecosystems/Landscapes, and Conservation and Sustainable Use of Unique Ecosystems/Landscapes of High Biodiversity. Our accomplishments are also categorized under SEAMEO three Key Result Areas, namely regional leadership, regional visibility, and solid resource base.
During the fiscal year in review, we celebrated our golden anniversary through a series of events to commemorate the Centre’s 50-year contribution in identifying and recommending solutions to address critical biological problems in Southeast Asia. We also completed our research projects, training courses and other learning events related to tropical biology, both implemented solely by the Centre and in partnership with other organizations and academic institutions. We expanded our collaboration by signing Memoranda of Understanding and Agreements with various organizations in order to conduct joint-research programs and learning events, to develop and enhance professional skills and to provide technical assistances within common areas of interest. We also received students and communities from various institutions and regions for the internships, on-the-job trainings and visit activities to learn our technology-based knowledge.
For all our achievements in FY 2017/2018, we would like to express our sincere appreciation and gratitude to our Governing Board members and their respective governments for the guidance and continued support in implementing our programs and activities. We are grateful to the Government of Indonesia and SEAMEO for the financial support. We extend our sincere gratitude to our partners and clients for their continuous trust in subscribing our products and services.
You can read the online version of SEAMEO BIOTROP Annual Report FY 2017/2018 through this link: