Thursday, 08 December 2022 on 10:57am

ANNOUNCEMENT: The Awardees of 2022 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award

The Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan in cooperation with UNESCO Asia Pacific Regional Bureau for Education would like to congratulate all awardees and express appreciation to 278 schools in 8 Southeast Asian countries, namely, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, and Thailand, participated in the competition.

Appreciation is also extended to the Ministries of Education of Southeast Asian countries, SEAMEO Regional Centres and Educational Development Agencies who contributed and supported this 2022 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award. The winners of the 2022 SEAMEO-Japan ESD Award are as follows:

1st Prize Winner
La Filipina National High School from Philippines
Title of the School's Programme: "Salida La Filipina”
Coordinating Teacher: Mr Philip II P Bohol

2nd Prize Winner
SMA Negeri 6 Bandung Indonesia
 Title of the School's Programme: “Six 6eneration”
Coordinating Teacher: Mr Tonny Hidayat Poniman, S Pd

3rd Prize Winner
Panabo City National High School from Philippines
Title of the School's Programme: “Bayanihan Caravan: Bridging the School and the Community through Partnerships”
Coordinating Teacher: Ms Darna S Tan
 Website: -

 Special Prize Winner for the Best Programme Carried out in Small Schools of Less than 250 Students
Sekolah Alam Pacitan Indonesia
 Title of the School's Programme: “Better Education Through Partnership” Coordinating Teacher: Ms Ridha Listyanirmala, S IP

Special Recognition for the Programme Carried out in Small Schools of Less than 250 Students
SJK (Tamil) Ladang Matang Malaysia
 Title of the School's Programme: “Robotics/Coding Class for SJKT Ladang Matang Young Coders”
Coordinating Teacher: Ms Jeevitha D/O Hasokar Website: -

To see their projects and other entries, please visit: SEAMEO Secretariat

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